NAM Ministerial Committee on Palestine

NAM Ministerial Committee on Palestine

26 September 2024 New York

Statement by Secretary (West)

Mr. Chairman,

India’s relationship with Palestine is longstanding. It is based on deep-rooted historical and people-to-people ties.

India was one of the first countries to recognise Palestine.

Our steadfast support to Palestine is reflected in development cooperation and institution building efforts and is a testimony of our close ties.

​India has repeatedly stressed that only a negotiated two-State solution leading to the establishment of a sovereign, independent and viable State of Palestine, within mutually agreed borders, taking into consideration Israel’s legitimate security concerns, can deliver lasting peace.

We reiterate the need for an early resumption of direct peace negotiations between the parties on all final status issues.

The absence of such negotiations and the lack of a clear political horizon for the peaceful resolution of the conflict has consequences for both Israel and Palestine.

We continue to urge an immediate cessation of violence and for avoiding unilateral actions on the ground, which undercut the viability of the two-State solution, and furthers the trust deficit between the parties.

We strongly condemned the terrorist attack on 7 October last year and call for a ceasefire and immediate release of all hostages.

We are categorical in our condemnation of the loss of civilian lives in the conflict and have urged adherence to international humanitarian law under all circumstances.

With the humanitarian crisis deepening in Gaza, we have sought protection of civilians and reiterated the need for safe, timely, and sustained supply of humanitarian assistance to the people of Palestine.

India had provided two tranches of medical and humanitarian assistance for the people of Palestine last year.

Mr. Chairman,

Palestinians continue to face severe economic and humanitarian hardships.

Unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance
to the Palestinian civilian population must be prioritized.

India supports the work of the UNRWA.

We express our condolences for UNRWA’s unfortunate loss of its staff members. We appreciate the steps taken by the Agency in enhancing transparency in its operations and adherence to the UN standards in humanitarian services and urge utmost diligence on the part of UNRWA to ensure that aid is only used for the purposes intended.

India is a longstanding and committed development partner of Palestine. We are actively engaged in extending technical and developmental assistance to improve the lives of the Palestinian people.

Our developmental assistance to Palestine, in various forms, over the years, amounts close to 120 million USD, including 37 million USD as contribution to UNRWA. We are currently engaged in projects worth 40 million USD to improve the lives of Palestinian people.

India will continue to extend developmental support to the people of Palestine.

Mr. Chairman,

India remains committed to supporting all efforts to resume direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine to achieve a two-State solution.

Lasting peace
in the region can be achieved only when there is a peaceful settlement to the question of Palestine.

I thank you.